

First things first - take a good look at your current headshot. Is it really you? Time flies, styles evolve, and, let's face it, our looks change. Rocking a bow tie from that gala event might not scream “business professional”.

Here’s where I come in - I strip away the frills and highlight you, your authentic self. Because let’s be honest, your audience is making snap judgments. They’ll decide in a heartbeat whether they want to connect, do business, or hire you.

Juergen Pfingstner of CERN, Geneva by Patric Pop

Dr. Juergen Pfingstner of CERN, Geneva by Patric Pop

Show your personality in your Headshot.

What's your angle? Confident? Approachable? Energetic? Your headshot should be as unique as you are. An outstanding headshot separates you from the crowd and gives you an edge over your highly-qualified competitors. It's not just a photo; it’s your personal brand on display.

Choose the best professional photographer for your Headshot Portrait.

There’s no shortage of photographers (and friends with smartphones), but let’s draw a line between “nice” and “OMG, that’s amazing!”. Exceptional portraits don’t just happen; they are a piece of art. And guess what? You’ll spot them in an instant. Shop around, look for the photographer whose style resonates with you. Opt for the best photographer in Geneva or Lausanne, Vaud matching your taste, but also your budget and aspirations. Balance is key.


Investing in a headshot is like giving your personal brand a turbo boost. If you’re content with a “click, done” passport pic, that’s fine. But, if you’re craving more, a true Headshot Portrait Photo Session is an immersive experience that brings your personality front and center. The best photographer keeps it fun, informative, and dynamic while nailing your objectives.
Found ‘The One’? Don't hesitate; check out the booking system.

Before and after headshots of Juergen Pfingstner of CERN. The picture on the right shot by Patric Pop in Geneva is SOOC Straight out of camera.

Before and after headshots of Juergen Pfingstner of CERN. The picture on the right shot by Patric Pop in Geneva is SOOC Straight out of camera.

A good Headshot Portrait photographer makes you look photogenic.

Feel camera-shy? Trust me, you’re not alone. Most people do not feel photogenic.
Flashbacks of forced smiles in awkward family gatherings, we’ve all been there. In my headshot sessions, I utilize structured coaching techniques. We’ll collaborate to capture your best shot – the one that makes your heart sing. Don’t believe me? Take a sneak peek at the BEFORE & AFTER section. You’ll see the transformative power of a little coaching magic.

Ready to elevate your image? Let’s get started!


Show your potential with A great Headshot Portrait

Think about it – that quick glance at your headshot could be THE turning point. Whether someone decides to hire you, collaborate with you, or even subscribe to your blog, it all boils down to that first impression. And in this social-media-savvy world, personal branding is not just a buzzword; it's a necessity!

A headshot that showcases your essence can be your golden ticket. It speaks volumes, not just about how you look, but about your experience and personality. Articles, blogs, websites, job applications – a great headshot can be the linchpin that brings it all together. Imagine it as an investment that keeps on giving – landing you that dream job, bringing in business, or creating a buzz around what you have to offer.


Quizz: Can you spot which one of these shots was taken by me? And do you agree that most of the other images would need to be updated?

Quizz: Can you spot which one of these shots was taken by me? And do you agree that most of the other images would need to be updated?

Can you imagine getting up in the morning and launch your busy workday with a morale booster?
We all have areas where we hold back. If you are timid, or some part of your face is bothering you, we work together to bring out the best in you and stun your friends and family.
Under my trained eye we explore the best angle for your face, work on eye differences and show or hide your teeth. Will you ever look the same way at yourself after receiving some seriously great looking headshot?

Picture this – waking up, diving into a hectic day, but with an extra spring in your step. Why? Because you know you’ve got an amazing headshot backing you up!

We all have our insecurities. Whether you’re a tad camera-shy or there’s that little something about your face that’s always bugged you, together, we'll turn the tables. It's about teamwork – and under my guidance, we’ll find that perfect angle, balance your features, and flash that million-dollar smile (or smize!). 😊

Your headshot is more than just a photo; it’s a glimpse into the fabulous you. And trust me, after seeing yourself through my lens, you’ll be strutting a newfound confidence that will make heads turn.

So, are you ready to level up with a headshot that's not just good, but phenomenally you? Let’s make it happen!