
Personal Branding Portraits

Specialised in Corporate Headshot and Business Portraits in Geneva, Patric Pop offers also lifestyle personal branding portraits. Great lighting, precise coaching for perfect posing for your body type and a hint of talent will reveal your true self, your attractiveness and boost your confidence in the most beautiful portraits you can imagine.
It's all about celebrating YOU, and making you look and feel fantastic.

A personal branding photo session with leading Swiss orthodontist Dr. med. dent. Alexander Dudic in Zurich

A personal branding photo session with leading Swiss orthodontist Dr. med. dent. Alexander Dudic in Zurich

Portrait of Chiropractor Steve Haines. This image created to announce a workshop series for yoga teachers. Hence, I asked him to hold the leg parallel to the floor similar to the the lotus pose. This is accentuated by the apple box that runs paralle…

Portrait of Chiropractor Steve Haines. This image created to announce a workshop series for yoga teachers. Hence, I asked him to hold the leg parallel to the floor similar to the the lotus pose. This is accentuated by the apple box that runs parallel to that leg.

Before the portrait session

Before the portrait session


Portrait Photo Sessions for all ages

What is Contemporary Portrait Photography?  

Haven’t you ever wished that you looked on photographs like you do in your head: elegant, effortless, smart, blissful and radiating self-esteem? In one word, feeling attractive and confident.
Contemporary Portrait Photography is not a stereotype, rather a feeling: It's all about celebrating YOU, and making you look and feel fantastic. During the photoshoot we will create images of you at your best that will not date.
Together, we will decide what works best for you: you may bring multiple changes of clothes and get dressed up in your favorite clothes.
And to be clear: Contemporary Portrait Photography is not to be confused with boudoir photography. Hence I expect you to bring clothes that you feel at ease in, consider bringing something sporty, elegant, fun, fashionista, vintage, the choice is yours.

Why you should book a Contemporary Portrait Photoshoot.

I believe that all people are beautiful – without exception.
But 99% of my regular clients think they are not photogenic.
My mission is to prove each and every person wrong.

We usually start with headshots to build confidence and mutual trust and gradually move to the portraits.

My role is to capture the essential natural beauty, and connecting with the soul residing in your body. My contemporary portraits are for real women and men, not models. I am a strong proponent of the natural beauty and think that too many women hide under too many layers of make-up. It is the great lighting and with my smooth direction for perfect posing for your body type that together we do create these stunning portraits. Treat yourself to beautiful portraits that feel right with your personality. There is nothing fake in the images, yet you will feel radiant, powerful, gorgeous and confident. Give yourself the gift of self-worth with this special experience.

How to achieve these beautiful portraits.

  1. Contact me, Patric Pop Photo

  2. Pre-Consultation: We will either call, facetime, zoom or skype or meet briefly in person.
    I want to learn about you, your style and your goals.

  3. Photoshoot: You arrive to the shoot with a set of your favorite clothes. Together, we will choose the best outfits for you that will make you feel amazing.
    Depending on the collection chosen, you either arrive with hair and make-up already done or will see my super-friendly make-up artist who happens to give invaluable tips for taking care of the skin, too.

  4. Selection: After the shoot I will choose the best images from the session and will process them with some basic editing for your private viewing and ordering session.

  5. Reveal: Once the selection process is completed, we will meet again within a week, for the reveal where you will choose the final images to edit and get printed.

  6. Delivery: the final products are delivered to you 2-3 weeks after the reveal.