
Think It's Just a Click?

As a professional photographer, I've had the pleasure of working with a wide range of clients who have seen the quality, efficiency, and speed of my work. They appreciate the value I bring to the table. However, there are times when even well-meaning clients come with proposals that don’t fully grasp the depth of what goes into creating those stunning images they love.

Recently, a conversation with a repeat client highlighted this issue. This client, impressed with my previous work, wanted to hire me for a new project. This project was seemingly straightforward: taking headshots at an event they organize for a third party. Their initial budget, however, fell far short of what is required to deliver the high-quality results they’ve come to expect.

In the age of digital photography, it's easy to think that capturing a stunning image is as simple as pressing a button. This perception, however, couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Misconception

Many people believe that a photoshoot is just about showing up with a camera and clicking away. The reality is vastly different. Quality photography involves meticulous planning, knowledge in reading facial structures, execution and post-production work.

It also takes many years of experience to craft stellar headshots in an extremely tight timeframe. It’s not just about taking a picture; it’s about creating a professional portrait that each person photographed is happy with.

Should I feel insulted?

In this concrete case, my repeat client proposed a budget that covers 25% of the regular fee for this kind of project. Plus, it turned out to be taking place on location in another town. When a client, who has experienced my quality, efficiency, and speed, proposes a budget that covers less than a quarter of the actual cost, it feels dismissive.

It’s natural to feel a sting when your work is undervalued, especially by someone who has previously experienced the quality and dedication you bring to every project. The proposal of a budget that doesn’t reflect the comprehensive service provided feels dismissive of the craft and effort involved.

So, should I feel insulted? Maybe. But more importantly, it’s a reminder of the need to educate clients on the value and effort that go into creating quality images. It’s not just about the click of a shutter at a predefined time of the day; it’s about everything that happens before and after that moment.

The Real Cost of Quality Photography

Here’s what really goes into creating those “just a click” moments:

  1. Preparation and Planning: Understanding the client's needs, if needed scouting potential locations, and planning the shoot.

  2. Travel: On-location photoshoots come with an additional fee. Besides travel time and transport costs, a full day, or at least a half-day, needs to be blocked from my schedule.

  3. The Photoshoot: Directing and coaching subjects, managing lighting and composition, ensuring every shot is perfect.

  4. Post-Production: Sorting through hundreds or someimes thousands of images, editing and retouching, delivering polished, professional-quality photos.

  5. Communication: Regular updates, consultations with every person photographed, and ensuring client satisfaction every step of the way.

  6. Training: Delivering consistently high-quality results in an extremely tight timeframe takes years of experience and ongoing training.

  7. Knowledge: being able to read the individual facial structures and finding the best angles to convey a strong portrait oozing of confidence takes years of experience.

  8. Gear: Keeping top-of-the-art gear in tip-top shape is essential.

  9. Backup Solutions: Each photoshoot is backed up on multiple storage solutions, both physically and in the cloud, which adds to the cost.

The Value of Expertise

When you hire a professional photographer, you’re not just paying for their time during the shoot. You’re investing in years of experience, artistic vision, technical skills, and the dedication to producing images that truly stand out. It’s about crafting an image that tells a story, evokes emotion, and stands the test of time.

For instance, a full-rate photoshoot for a group of 20 people, including all the detailed post-production work and personal galleries for image selection, comes at cost. It basically takes about 3 full working days to handle every step of the process. Proposing a budget that covers less than 25% of this value overlooks the depth of work involved.

Why Quality Photography Is Worth Every Penny

Quality photography isn’t just about capturing a moment; it’s about crafting an image that tells a story, evokes emotion, and stands the test of time. Investing in quality photography is investing in timeless, impactful imagery that speaks volumes about your brand or personal image.

Next Time

Next time you’re planning a photoshoot, remember to consider the full scope of what you’re asking for. Investing in quality photography is investing in a visual legacy that you will cherish for years to come. For companies this can be images that are used in marketing materials, presentations and at conferences.

Happy to be of help

I hope this article has helped you understand all the extras that come into play when it comes to professional headshots and corporate portraits.

Please reach out for your projects. I am certain that you will appreciate the extra insight that a real professional can bring to your project.