

Not every photographer can be a headshot specialist

Not every photographer can be a headshot specialist

Ever wondered why your corporate headshots fall flat? It’s all about specialization. Not every photographer can be a headshot specialist. Read my latest article to learn why hiring the right photographer makes all the difference. #CorporatePhotography #BrandImage #PhotographyTips

Title Tuesday: Peter Bakker in Time Magazine

Title Tuesday: Peter Bakker in Time Magazine

Discover the art behind the lens in 'Title Tuesday' as we reveal the story of capturing Peter Bakker, a global sustainability leader, through professional photography. Learn about our collaborative journey, from relaxed sessions to global recognition in TIME Magazine. By Patric Pop, photographer in Geneva

Picture Perfect Employer Branding: The Power of Professional Headshots and High-Quality Company Pictures

In today's digital age, every scroll, swipe, and click matters for your brand. Investing in professional headshots and company photos is crucial for creating a strong employer brand. Quality images make lasting first impressions, showcase your company culture, and elevate your brand image. Discover the benefits of high-quality professional photography and how it can boost engagement, humanize your brand, and improve employee morale.

Investing in Talent: How Companies Empower Interns with High-Quality Portraits

Investing in Talent: How Companies Empower Interns with High-Quality Portraits

Investing in Talent: How Companies Empower Interns with High-Quality Portraits

BERNEY Associés recently welcomed the new four talented interns embarking on a year-long journey to complete their “maturité professionnelle”. What sets this company apart is its commitment to nurturing and valuing these interns as full-fledged members of the team. So, what's their secret? It's a simple yet profound gesture - they invest in professional headshots and group portraits for their interns.

At What Company Size Should You Consider a Corporate Photography Specialist?

At What Company Size Should You Consider a Corporate Photography Specialist?

What is the ideal Company Size to hire a Corporate Photographer?

The size of your company isn't the sole criterion for accessing professional photography services. Whether you're a solopreneur, a small business owner, or at the helm of a medium or large corporation, the power of a professional image cannot be overstated. It's an investment that pays dividends, regardless of your company's size.

Why Choose Experts For Your Corporate Portraits Instead Of In-House

Why Choose Experts For Your Corporate Portraits Instead Of In-House


Today, businesses recognize the importance of professional images, especially for their corporate portraits and corporate photos. It's common for companies to entrust this task to their receptionists or human resources departments for professional portraits of their new employees. But why is it essential to engage professional photographers? Here are four compelling reasons:

How to pick the Best Headshot Photographer: My Tips from A to Z. A stands for …

How to pick the Best Headshot Photographer: My Tips from A to Z. A stands for …

Are you struggling to find the best headshots photographer for your personal brand and corporate portraits for your LinkedIn and company website?
Check potential photographers’ portfolios for these hints and issues with my tips from A to Z on how to pick the best professional.
Today A stands for … 

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More tips on my personal hashtag #popyourimage

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#headshots #portraits #headshotcrew #linkedintips

Music: Mystic, Artist Jeff Kaale