
Headshot Pro

Not every photographer can be a headshot specialist

Not every photographer can be a headshot specialist

Ever wondered why your corporate headshots fall flat? It’s all about specialization. Not every photographer can be a headshot specialist. Read my latest article to learn why hiring the right photographer makes all the difference. #CorporatePhotography #BrandImage #PhotographyTips

Picture Perfect Employer Branding: The Power of Professional Headshots and High-Quality Company Pictures

In today's digital age, every scroll, swipe, and click matters for your brand. Investing in professional headshots and company photos is crucial for creating a strong employer brand. Quality images make lasting first impressions, showcase your company culture, and elevate your brand image. Discover the benefits of high-quality professional photography and how it can boost engagement, humanize your brand, and improve employee morale.

Unveiling the Unseen: Calculating the Worth of Your Headshot

Unveiling the Unseen: Calculating the Worth of Your Headshot

By Patric Pop Photographer in Geneva : “ … the numbers don't lie. A strategically crafted high quality headshot can contribute significantly to a company's growth. It's not an expense but an investment.

The Toilet Paper Dilemma: Why You Shouldn't Compare Photographers to Commodity Products

The Toilet Paper Dilemma: Why You Shouldn't Compare Photographers to Commodity Products

Don’t treat photography as commodity

… unlike toilet paper, photography isn't a commodity. It isn't mass-produced or one-size-fits-all. It's a service, a craft, an art. Just as you can feel the difference between single-ply and luxury toilet paper, the distinction between amateur and professional photography is clear. Your photos are your visual calling card

A Real Coach in Photography: The Patric Pop Difference

A Real Coach in Photography: The Patric Pop Difference

Let's talk about something close to my heart: Coaching. A term I have proudly used for the past 15 years to define my approach to photography, and one that has recently been picked up by many others in the industry. In a world where everybody with a camera claims to be a “photographer-coach”,